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The NDA exam consists of an SSB interview that is equally important for the aspiring candidates. It consists of two stages and takes five days to complete. The complete interview process carries 900 marks which can be crucial for NDA selection of any aspirant. Students are advised to join the best NDA coaching in Dehradun to get ready for the SSB interview.
If you go through the SSB interview process, you will find that it requires a professional environment and close monitoring by experienced teachers to prepare for the interview. For example, psychology tests where the interviewers will determine your ability to manage pressure. Similarly, you need to perform well in conference tests.
SSB interview isn’t a written test that you can practice with study material. It is the test of the presence of mind. So, you first need to understand the nature of the test so you get mentally prepared to impress the board members with your knowledge.
Here communication skills stand for non-verbal ways of communicating with the interview board. For example, you need to maintain a good posture at the time of appearing before the board. Making eye contact with confidence can give you an early advantage. These are some skills you will practice during NDA coaching in Dehradun
Post-selection, you will be trained to play a decisive and leadership role in the armed forces. It is for this reason becomes necessary for you to develop leadership qualities so you can convince the board members that you are the right candidate for the role of an armed force officer.
In psychology tests, you need to give positive responses to all the questions thrown at you. Here practicing TAT, WAT, SRT, and SDT can help. Luckily you will get all these skills covered in an NDA training program.
In group discussions, you need to develop skills to express your thoughts without mincing your words. You should be both a good listener and a great orator. Also, you should be ready to stand by every word you speak.
Considering the requirements for SSB interview preparations, it can be said that joining the best NDA coaching in Dehradun can certainly boost your chances of clearing the interview with flying colors.