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Serve Motherland by Working in Healthcare Field

The last century has seen a lot of changes, and the last two decades have seen even more. There has been an increase in the number of women taking on roles and playing an active role in fields that were previously thought to be the domain of men. Military Nursing Service (MNS) is one of the best career options for those who want to work in the healthcare field while still serving their country.

The acceptance is dependent on achieving success in entrance exam for female applicants interested in pursuing a 4-year BSc nursing programme at Armed Forces Medical Service Colleges of Nursing. It was founded on March 28, 1888, when the first group of ten British nurses reached Bombay to perform nursing services in military hospitals. The service grew from a small group of 55 MNS officers in the early nineteenth century to its current size, which allows it to meet the demands of the service.



  1. If you pass the written test, you will be invited to the interview round. The applicant will be chosen at the end of the process based on a composite merit list that will be compiled from the candidate's written exam and interview scores.
  2. However, admission will be given only after the applicants have passed their medical examination. Candidates will have to appear for a medical examination before a Special Medical Board (SMB) after the interview round is completed.
  3. The President of the Medical Board will inform the candidates of the results of the medical examination, as well as the process for seeking an APPEAL/REVIEW MEDICAL BOARD. The final decision will be made on the basis of the combined merits of the written test and the interview, as well as medical health.
  4. The Supreme Court's recent decision to award permanent commissions to women officers in the armed forces would go a long way toward shifting the perception of gender inequality against women. Enlistment in the Military Nursing Service is dependent on an all-India merit selection process.
  5. The applicants are enrolled in six nursing colleges for a basic BSc (N) from a variety of health sciences universities. After successfully completing the course, they are assigned a permanent or short-term commission as a lieutenant in the Military Nursing Service.