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Selection In NDA 2019 Prakalp Dwivedi

Students find it hard to find such a guidance that can help them to achieve their success. Some believe them to be lucky enough that they got into Trishul Defence Academy and gained success by getting the proper guidance.

Not just the student we, Trishul Defence Academy too find our self lucky that we always have such hardworking student that does take the guidance seriously and proves their worth by finally getting selected and achieving their aim.

“A special thanks to wing commander Anoop Mehrotra sir who helped me a lot in improving my skills. I got proper guidance of how to write and how to speak in public and also how to present myself to the interviewer.”

One of these gems of Trishul Defence Academy is PRAKALP DWIVEDI who has qualified all the phases of NDA 2 2019 examination.

Prakalp belongs to Chitrakoot M.P. He took admission in Trishul Defence Academy’s NDA course and has qualified the NDA written examination.
