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NDA 1 2022 Analysis

the UPSC has recently released the notification regarding NDA 1 2022 exam date. As per the notification this exam will be held different cities of India on 10th April 2022. NDA 1 2022 will be a fantastic opportunity for students who have been waiting and preparing for a long time to become officers in the armed forces. To become officers in army, navy and air forces, an aspirant has to go through three phases of the NDA 1 2022. Which are written exams, SSB interview and a medical test. To have an in-depth knowledge of the exam, it is necessary to know all about NDA exams. to serve this purpose we have provided a thorough NDA 1 2022 Analysis in this blog. NDA 1 2022 Analysis will help students to prepare systematically for the exam.

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NDA 1 2022 Exam Pattern:

The NDA 2 2022 Exam will be conducted in two parts. a candidate has to sit in a written exam first. After passing the written one, candidates will be invited to SSB interview the SSB intyerview evaluates Psychological Ability and Intelligence in an aspirant. The SSB Interview carries 900 points. Success in this interview will lead to national defence academy.

The NDA written exam will be consist of two different parts: mathematics and general aptitude tests (GAT). Notably, all the questions will be objective in nature. The GAT will include 150 questions, while mathematics part will include 120. For each section, a candidate will get two hours and thirty minutes. The GAT section will be worth 600 points, while the mathematics portion will be worth 300 marks. The GAT is divided into two parts. Part A consists of English, whereas Part B consists of General Knowledge. Look at the below table to understand better:

Papers Subject Questions Maximum marks Duration
Paper 1 Mathematics 120 300 150 minutes
Paper 2 General Ability Test 150 600 150 minutes

NDA 1 2022 Exam Topics:

Both Mathematics and GAT papers includes various subjects. Algebra, Vectors, Statistics and Probability, Calculus, Trigonometry, Matrices and Determinants, and other topics are covered in the NDA Maths question paper. The General Aptitude Test, on the other hand, will cover themes such as English, History, Geography, Politics, Current Affairs, Economics, Static GK, Military Specific, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Sports.

NDA 1 2022 Marking Scheme:

A student has to keep in mind that there are negative marks for wrong response. For each wrong answer, one-third of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted. Unanswered questions, on the other hand, do not result in a mark deduction.

NDA 1 2022 SSB Process:

The SSB Interview is divided into two sections. Stage 1 of the SSB Interview includes Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) examinations as well as the Picture Perception and Description Test. Candidates who pass the Stage 1 examination are invited to sit for the Stage 2 examination. The Group Testing Officer Tasks, Psychology Tests, and the Conference comprise the second level. This stage is worth 900 points in total. A successful completion of the tests, a candidate is admitted to NDA Academies.

NDA 1 2022 Maths Analysis - Questions Summary:

The table below provides an overview of the themes covered in the math paper, as well as the number of questions and difficulty level assigned to each topic.

Topics Number of questions Difficulty level
Set theory, Relations and Functions
Complex Number
Conic section
Applications of Integrals
Quadratic Equations and Inequality
Permutation and Combination
Matrices and Determinants
Vector Algebra

NDA 1 2022 Exam Analysis- General Ability Test (GAT):

The General Aptitude Test is worth 600 points. A total of 150 questions are presented in this paper. The examination's difficulty level ranges from easy to moderate. A thorough analysis of GAT is provided below:

Topic No. of Questions Difficulty
Current Affairs
Static GK

NDA 1 2022 Exam Analysis Physics - Questions Summary

Let's see the table below to understand number of questions and topics are scheduled for Physics:

Topic No. of questions Difficulty
Dual Nature, Atom and Nuclei (Modern Physics)
Wave and Oscillations
Current, Resistance and Electricity

NDA 1 2022 English Analysis:

See the bellow table for NDA 1 2022 English Analysis:

Topic No. of Questions No. of Marks
Spotting Errors
Selecting Words
Ordering of Words in a Sentence
Sentence Improvement

NDA 1 2022 History, Polity, Geography, Current Affairs, Static GK Analysis:
Total Questions-
Good Attempts -

NDA 1 2022 Chemistry Analysis:
Total Questions-
Good Attempts -

NDA 1 2022 Biology Analysis:
Total Questions-
Good Attempts -
Difficulty level-Average


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SSB classes are led by Col. Pankaj Mehrotra (Ex NDA and Ex IO)
Each Monday another batch is coordinated for SSB course.
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Psychological classes are taken by Group Capt. A.K.Maini .
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