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NDA 1 Answer Key 2021


NDA 1 2021 written examination is scheduled to be held on April 18. Shortly after the exam, the unofficial NDA 1 2021 answer key will be released by coaching institutes. They will release separate answer keys for Mathematics and General Ability Test (GAT). Students can access and download NDA Answer Key 2021 of all test booklets, namely A, B, C, and D. By getting access to NDA 1 2021 answer key, a candidate can evaluate his performance. Simply solve all the questions and then check the score with the help of NDA Answer Key 2021. The likely score will be determined on the basis of right and wrong answers given by you.

After calculating the score, you also need to evaluate the impact of negative marking. Count the number of wrong answers given by you and deduct 1 mark each for every three wrong answers. The official answer key will be released by the UPSC after the completion of the recruitment process. 


Process of downloading official NDA Answer Key 2021?

Simply click on the subject-wise links of NDA 1 2021 answer key provided on this page

The answer key page will open up in PDF form

Download the answer key and then save it for future reference  

Coaching institutes to release NDA Answer Key 2021

After curtains are drawn over the examination, coaching institutes will release the answer key. The answer key will be of great help to you for comparing the correct answers with the response given to you. In this way, a candidate can determine score; evaluate performance to prepare a strategy for rectification of shortcomings. The answer key will be of immense use to learn where exactly you went wrong and bring necessary improvements.  


Calculation of NDA exam score by utilizing NDA 1 2021 answer key

A candidate can calculate his precise score by following the marking scheme prescribed by the examination authority. Here’s how:

According to the NDA examination pattern, the paper is divided into two parts i.e. Mathematics and General Ability Test (GTA), which are of 300 and 600 marks respectively. Negative marking is in place so be prepared to deduct marks you have lost for attempting questions for which you have answered wrongly.


NDA 2021 Question Paper

Usually, UPSC releases the NDA Question Papers a few days after the exam, which go a long way in helping students to ascertain the pattern and type of questions asked in the written exam. Click here to get access to NDA question papers.


The process to challenge the question papers

Students are being given the opportunity to raise objections to the questions asked in the written examination. The process has been explained to you in a few simple steps.

Those having any doubts or queries regarding the questions can seek clarification by raising objections Online Question Paper Representation Portal (QPRep) within a time period of a week by providing details like roll number, date of birth and random image while raising the objections.


NDA Result 2021

The result will be released on the official website of UPSC and available online in PDF format. Roll numbers of successful candidates will be displayed. Finally, students who have qualified written examination need to appear for an SSB interview. Based on assumptions, this years likely cut off is expected to remain at 342.


NDA 2021 Answer Key FAQs


Where can I find NDA answer key 2021?

NDA answer key is made available just after the completion of the exam by the coaching institutes.


When the official NDA answer key is released?

NDA official answer key is released by UPSC after the completion of the recruitment exam.


Can I challenge the official NDA answer key?

No, there is no any facility to challenge the answer key of NDA. Candidates can raise objections against the question papers through QPRep portal.


How can I use the NDA answer key?

You can use NDA answer key to compare their responses marked in the exam. It will also help you to calculate your probable score.


How can I calculate the probable NDA score?

You can calculate the probable score by following the marking scheme. The scores can be calculated based on the number of correct and incorrect answers.


Is there any negative marking in CDS exam?

Yes, there is negative marking in CDS exam. For wrong answers, 1/3 marks are deducted as a penalty. 


Is NDA answer key released offline?

No, NDA answer key is released online only. There is no scope to download the answer key offline.


What type of questions are asked in NDA GAT?

GAT in NDA exam comprises two parts. Part A comprises questions from English while Part B consists of questions from Chemistry, General Science, History, Freedom Movement, etc., Geography, Current Events


What type of questions are asked in NDA Maths section?

Maths paper in NDA cover topics such as Integral Calculus, Differential Equations, Trigonometry, Algebra, Vector Algebra, Matrices and Determinants, Analytical Geometry, Statistics & Probability.


How many marks will I score for the correct answer in NDA Maths section?

For correct answers in Maths section of the NDA exam, candidates score 2.5 marks. 


How many marks will I score for the correct answer in NDA GAT section?

A. For a correct answer in the NDA GAT section, candidates score four marks.

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