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UPSC NDA 1 2023 Expected Cut off

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will issue the NDA 1 2023 Expected Cut off after the enlistment procedure is concluded. The NDA cut-off is the minimum passing score required to qualify for the test and advance to the next step of the selection process. NDA cut-off marks in written tests and SSB interviews must be independently verified by aspirants. Based on the stated cut-off, applicants are selected for admission to the Indian Army/Navy/Air Force wings of the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme).

The NDA -1 2023 Expected Cut-off is published once the examination has passed successfully. The NDA -1 2023 Expected Cut-off marks, which are based on the examination's difficulty level, can be seen here. The NDA -1 Exam's expected cut-off marks, as well as the NDA exam's prior year's cut-off marks, are also available to candidates. The NDA -1 2023 Expected Cutoff marks are provided below, based on recent years' trends.

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NDA 1 2023 Stage and Expected Cut off

Stage Expected Cut Off
Written Exam 370
Safe Score 385

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Note: Candidates must remember that the above cutoff for 2022 is the expected cutoff that is estimated using the previous year's cutoff. The exact cutoff will be updated, once it is released officially.

Factors Determining NDA cutoff

NDA cutoff will be based on the following factors:

  • • The total number of candidates writing UPSC NDA 20223 Exam.
  • • Maximum and minimum marks scored by the candidates.
  • • Level of difficulty of the exam.
  • • A number of seats are available

How to Check NDA Cut Off 2023?

To download the NDA cut off 2023, candidates will have to go through an elaborate process, starting with logging on to the official website. Find the process of downloading the NDA cutoff given in detail below:.

Click Here for Download: NDA 1 2023 Answer key

To download the NDA cut off 2023, candidates will have to go through an elaborate process, starting with logging on to the official website. Find the process of downloading the NDA cutoff given in detail below:.

Following the steps below, you can verify the NDA 2023 Cutoff marks:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of the UPSC.
  • Step 2: Follow the ‘Cut Off’ link or log in to the web portal using your credentials.
  • Step 3: Find the scoreboard and official NDA cutoff PDF on your screen.
  • Step 4: Download the PDF on your device and take a few printouts.

Click Here for Download: NDA 1 2023 Answer key

NDA Previous Year’s Cut Offs

NDA previous year cut offs are very helpful in estimating the expected cut off. It helps Candidates in Self Assessment for the Preparation The Previous year cut offs for NDA Exam are given below:

NDA 1 2023 Stage and Expected Cut off

Year Written Exam Cutoff Final Cutoff
NDA 1 2023 370 720
NDA 2 2021 355 726
NDA 1 2021 343 709
NDA 1 2020 355 723
NDA 2 2019 346 709
NDA 1 2019 342 704
NDA 2 2018 325 688
NDA 1 2018 338 705

Click Here for Download: NDA 1 2023 Answer key

Join Trishul Defence Academy For NDA Preparation :

In North India, the Trishul Defence Academy is a centre of distinction in defence education. It is the most prominent defence training institute in India. It helps prospective defence students prepare for exams like the AFCAT, NDA, CDS, Air Force X & Y, MNS, INET, Navy MR, Navy AA/SSR, Indian Coast Guard, and more. It received 232 NDA and CDS selections for academic distinction, as well as 1820 Air Force and Navy selections. Trishul Defence Academy is Allahabad's premier NDA training centre, with over 2000 successful stories to its credit. Its high status is well-known in the Indian Armed Forces. The institute has made a concerted effort to achieve its goals. The institute has made a determined effort to assist students with both personality development and physical fitness training. It is difficult for the school to deliver not just a high-quality education to its students, but also to focus on their abilities from the start.

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