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UPSC NDA 1 2023 Exam Pattern

The NDA 2023 Exam pattern Will be Maintained as per it is conducted Every Year .In NDA Exam, different Sections, Mode , Duration of Exam, Marking Scheme, etc. Applicants must go through the Exam Pattern of NDA 2023 before they start off with their NDA Preparations. As per NDA exam pattern, the test is conducted in the offline mode. The NDA Exam has two papers - paper I (Mathematics) and paper II [General Ability Test (GAT)]. The time allotted for each paper is 2 hours and 30 minutes.

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NDA 1 2023 Exam Mode

Particulars Details
Exam Mode Offline
Number of papers Mathematics and GAT
Duration of test Maths: 2 hours 30 min
Gat: 2 hours 30 min
Exam time Maths: 10 am to 12.30 pm
Gat: 2 pm to 4.30 pm
Number of Questions Maths: 120
Gat: 150
Language of question paper English and Hindi
Total marks Written Exam: 900 (300 for Mathematics and 600 for GAT)
SSB Interview: 900

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The GAT and Mathematics segments of the NDA written exam are divided into two parts. On the exam, there will be no subjective questions. On the GAT, there will be a total of 150 questions, with 120 in the Mathematics section. There will be two portions to the exam, each lasting two hours and twelve minutes. The GAT will be worth 600 points, while the Math part will be worth 300 points. The GAT is split into two halves. Part A is composed of English, while Part B is composed of General Knowledge. The written exam follows the format of the NDA exam pattern.

NDA 1 2023 Exam Pattern

Papers Subject Maximum marks Duration
Paper 1 Mathematics 300 2 hours 30 minutes
Paper 2 GAT 600 2 hours 30 minutes
Total 900 5 hours

The NDA Cutoff is influenced by many factors:

Sections Maximum Marks Counts
Part A - English 200
Part B - General Knowledge Physics
General Science
Current Events
ALL Total 600

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NDA 1 2023 Written Exam Marking Scheme

The UPSC is in charge of the NDA Marking Scheme. Negative scores are assigned to erroneous responses, with each incorrect response leading in a 1/3 loss in total marks. A student's grade is unaffected by unanswered questions. The NDA's marking scheme is presented below.

Sections Marks for Correct Answer Marks for Incorrect Answer
GAT 4 1.33
Maths 2.5 0.83

NDA 1 2023 Exam Pattern for SSB Interview

The SSB Interview is divided into 2 sections. Candidates who pass the Stage 1 exam are eligible to take the Stage 2 exam. The Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) exams, as well as the Picture Perception and Description Test, make up Stage 1 of the SSB Interview (PP&DT). Tasks for Group Testing Officers, Psychology Tests, and the Conference are all part of Stage 2. This stage has a total of 900 points available. The SSB Interview Pattern can be found here

Sr. No. Stages Tests
Stage 1 Screening Test Verbal and non-verbal tests.
Psychological Test Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Word Association Test (WAT)
Situation Reaction Test (SRT)
Self Description Test (SD)
Stage 2 Group Testing Officers Test GD
Command Task
Snake race/Group Obstacle Race
Individual lecture
Personal interview

NDA Eligibility 2023

UPSC specifies the eligibility criteria for candidates for admission to National Defence Academy. These eligibility criteria apply to both male and female candidates and include factors such as age limits, educational qualifications, nationality, physical tests and medical standards

NDA Eligibility Criteria: Nationality

To apply for NDA 2023, a candidate must be:

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1.Unmarried males/females

2.A citizen of India or

3.A Subject of Nepal or

4.A Person of Indian Origin who migrated from Burma, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Zambia, Malawi, Zaire,Tanzania, and Ethiopia or Vietnam intending to Permanently Settle in India

5.Candidates belonging to the category 3 and 4 shall have a certificate of Eligibility issued in their favour by the Government of India

Trishul Defence Academy experts will use the material supplied by exam applicants to provide a complete NDA 1 2023 Exam Analysis to students. The NDA 1 exam difficulty level, NDA 1 good attempts, and NDA 1 questions asked in today's exam will all be covered in the overall exam analysis. As a result, candidates are encouraged to stay in touch so that they can receive expert advice and evaluate their exam possibilities. You can also review the previous year's NDA exam analysis to get an idea of the exam's difficulty level and question types

Trishul Defence Academy can help you prepare for your SSB Interview. It is the leading SSB interview preparation centre in India. SSB Master Colonel Pankaj Mehrotra (Ex-NDA, Ex-IO) of the 11 34 SSB in Allahabad and the 21 22 SSB in Bhopal can assist you in thoroughly preparing for any SSB test. You'll be determined to succeed at Trishul Defence Academy, whether it's through written, psychological, or group challenges. By assisting you with SSB Interview preparation, Trishul Defence Academy, India's best military tutoring centre, can help you prepare for officer-level tests such as the NDA, CDS, TA, AFCAT, JAG, and others. The devoted and experienced faculty will provide full overhaul training to motivated candidates, including online lectures, personality development workshops, crash courses, physical training, and mock interviews

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