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NDA-II 2023 Syllabus & NDA-II 2023 Exam Pattern

NDA 2 2023 Dates

NDA 2023 exam date has been announced by UPSC for written exam, release of notification and application form. NDA exam date 2023 is given in the table below.

NDA II Exam Date 2023

Candidates can check below NDA II 2023 Exam Date.

Events: NDA 2 Exam Date 2023
NDA 2 2023 notification: 17-May-2023
NDA 2 2023 application form: 17-May-2023 to 06-Jun-2023
NDA 2 2023: 03-Sep-2023

NDA Exam Pattern 2023

Candidates can check below NDA exam pattern 2023.

• Exam mode: NDA 2023 exam is held offline mode in pen and paper mode
• No. of sections: The exam comprises two sections-Maths and GAT (English & General Awareness)
• Time duration: To solve the question paper, candidates are given total 2 ½ hours
• Questions type: The question paper comprise objective-type multiple-choice questions
• Language of question paper: The question paper is framed in English & Hindi
• Negative marking: 1.33 marks will be deducted for wrong answers in GAT and 0.83 mark is deducted for incorrect answers in Maths

NDA II 2023 Exam Pattern for Written Exam

NDA exam pattern 2023 for the written test is divided into two papers-Maths and GAT. Both the papers carry objective-type multiple-choice questions. The Maths paper carries 120 questions of 300 marks. The GAT paper carries 150 questions for 600 marks. The duration of each paper is 2 ½ hours. The structure of NDA exam pattern 2023 is given below.

Papers - Subject - Maximum marks - Duration
Paper 1 - Mathematics - 300 - 2 ½
Paper 2 - GAT - 600 - 2 ½
Total - 900 - 5 hours

NDA II Exam Pattern 2023 for SSB Interview

Candidates qualifying the written exam are called for SSB Interview. The SSB Interview is divided into two stages. Candidates qualifying the Stage 1 are called for the Stage 2 exam. Stage 1 of the SSB Interview comprises Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) tests and Picture Perception and Description Test (PP&DT). Stage 2 comprises Group Testing Officer Tasks, Psychology Tests, and the Conference. This stage carries 900 marks.


NDA Syllabus for the Maths paper

The following topics under the Mathematics paper have been added under NDA Syllabus 2023-

1. Algebra: In the field of algebra, the concept of a set, operations on sets, and Venn diagrams have been added. Also, De Morgan laws, Cartesian product, relation, equivalence relation, Representation of real numbers on a line, Complex numbers [basic properties, modulus, argument, cube roots of unity. Binary system of numbers] have been included in it.

2. Trigonometry: In the field of Trigonometry, the Angles and their measures in degrees and radians, Trigonometrical ratios, Trigonometric identities, Sum and difference formulas, Multiple and Submultiple angles, Inverse trigonometric functions, and their applications have been included.

3. Differential Calculus: In Differential Calculus, the Concept of a real-valued function – domain, range, and graph of a function has been added to it. Also, Composite functions, one-to-one, onto, and inverse functions, Notion of limit, Standard limits – examples, Continuity of functions – examples, algebraic operations on continuous functions, Second order derivatives, Increasing and decreasing functions, Application of derivatives in problems of maxima and minima is included to it.

4. Integral Calculus: In Integral Calculus, integration as the inverse of differentiation, integration by substitution and by parts, standard integrals involving algebraic expressions, and trigonometric, exponential, and hyperbolic functions are added. Also, the Evaluation of definite integrals – determination of areas of plane regions bounded by curves – applications are included in it.

5. Differential Equations: In Differential Equations, definition, order, and degree, general and particular solutions of a differential equation are added. Also, the Formation of differential equations whose general solution is given, the Solution of differential equations by the method of separation of variables, solution of homogeneous and linear differential equations of the first order and first degree are included to it.

6. Vector Algebra: In Vector Algebra, the Vectors in two and three dimensions, magnitude, and direction of a vector are added. Also, Unit and null vectors, the addition of vectors, scalar multiplication of a vector, scalar product or dot product of two vectors, Vector product, and cross product of two vectors, Applications-work done by a force and moment of a force, and in Geometrical problems are included to it.

7. Statistics and Probability: In the field of Statistics and Probability, Statistics – Classification of data, Frequency distribution, and cumulative frequency distribution – examples are added. Also, Graphical representation – Histogram, Pie Chart, Frequency Polygon – examples, Measures of Central tendency – mean, median, and mode, Variance and standard deviation – determination and comparison is included.

NDA Syllabus for General Ability Test (GAT):

Part A – English

Vocabulary: This includes Synonyms, antonyms, meanings of words, and use of appropriate words.
Grammar and usage: This includes Parts of speech, articles, prepositions, tenses, and subject-verb agreement.
Comprehension and cohesion: This includes Comprehension of passages, punctuation, and use of conjunctions.

Part B – General Knowledge
Physics: This includes Mechanics, heat, light, sound, and electricity.
Chemistry: This includes Elements, compounds, mixtures, acids, bases, and salts.
General Science: This includes Biology, astronomy, and environment.
Geography: This includes the Physical, social, and economic geography of India and the world.
Current Events: This includes National and international events, awards, and sports.

NDA II 2023 Syllabus : Subject Wise Weightage

There are generally 2 papers in the NDA exam and they are known as Mathematics and General Ability Tests. We have given you the prescribed weightage for both of these below:

Maths paper The sum of the total paper for Mathematics is 300 marks and there are a total of 120 questions in it. We have given below to you the weightage assigned to each subject:

NDA Math Syllabus Section Wise Weightage

Algebra – 10% weightage (12 questions)
Matrices and Determinants – 6% weightage (& Questions)
Trigonometry – 8% weightage (10 questions)
Analytical Geometry – 16% weightage (20 questions)
Differential Calculus – 44% weightage (55 Questions)
Integral Calculus and Differential Equations – 16% weightage (20 questions )

General Aptitude Test

The related Eligibility Test is crucial to them, and it consists of 150 questions and the weightage given to each subject is written as follows:

Part A – English
Grammar and Usage – 50% weightage (50 questions)
Vocabulary – 20% weightage (20 questions)
Comprehension and Cohesion – 30% weightage (30 questions)

Part B – General Knowledge
Physics – 25% weightage (25 questions)
Chemistry – 15% weightage (15 questions)
General Science – 10% weightage (10 questions)
History, Freedom Movement, etc. – 20% weightage (20 questions)
Geography – 20% weightage (20 questions)
Current Events – 10% weightage (10 questions)

NDA II Result 2023

NDA result is declared online in two stages-written exam and final selection (after SSB interview). The result is announced in PDF form and it comprises the roll numbers of qualified candidates. Candidates qualifying the written exam are called for SSB interview. The final result is prepared based on the written exam and SSB interview.

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