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AFCAT 2021 Preparation Tips :Compared to the other competitive entrance examinations, AFCAT is not a very tough defence entrance exam, given that full practice is done. With proper guidance and preparation, one can crack the examination in one month. Here are the preparation tips that will help you pass the exam successfully.

 1. Practice and solving old papers

We all know that the more we practice, the stronger our skills will be. Especially for competitive exams, the more practice we do, the faster the speed of solving our questions. In this case, solving the previous year's paper proves very important for us. The most important tips for preparation is to solve two hours old papers daily and also solve the maths more. After this, the remaining subjects should be prepared.

2.Time Management and Mock Test

There is no set time for each section in the AFCAT 2021 exam, which makes it very difficult for the students to manage time. While practicing mock test and also at the time of examination, students should keep in mind that they are not wasting too much time on a question.

 With this being negative marking of every 1/3, one should not misunderstand the questions in a hurry. In such a situation, you should answer the questions that come up in a definite manner and after that time should be answered with difficult questions. Always remember that it is not necessary to solve all the questions to pass.


 3. Preparation of various parts

In fcat, students are asked 4 questions. General Awareness, Verbal Ability, Numerical Ability and Reasoning, Military Aptitude Test. Reasoning and military aptitude tests are easier than the other two. The English portion is very important in verbal ability which also requires more practice. To prepare for Maths part, a Formul sheet should be prepared which also contains all shortcuts. Keep reading newspapers for English.


4.Remove Time

Often students are unable to take care of their health while preparing. Preparing for FCAT is like a long term war for which you have to prepare mentally, emotionally and physically. In such a situation, you have to be disciplined for a long time. Take a break after every period of time. Taking a 15-minute PowerNap after a few hours makes your preparation even better.


5. Last Time Preparation

The most effective way to prepare for the exam is to solve as many mock tests as possible. With the mock test, you can prepare like an actual exam. You also learn time management from this. Also, with mock test, you also get to know the pattern of the exam. One should try to solve these in a given time. By doing this your preparation is definitely better.


If a defence aspirant go through this blog and follow each preparation tip positively, then he or she has chance of cracking AFCAT 2021 Exam.

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